Founders Rina Santoro and Jordan Trigg met over 17 years ago bartending at Jack’s in Japantown San Jose, California. Over the years their friendship and passion turned into a partnership in business and marriage. They now run their businesses and live in Japantown with their two kids.
Dipsomania operates their various locations and events – Jack’s, 7 Bamboo, Jtown Pizza, Spread, and the Beerwalks – based on a commitment to community, comfort and, of course, cocktails.
Dipsomania [ dip-suh-mey-nee-uh, -soh- ] noun
• 1. an insatiable thirst for alcohol
Community + Comfort + Cocktails (Craft)
Providing a social outlet for neighbors to connect and create a stronger sense of information, inclusion, and involvement.
Connect, collaborate, create.
We do not go anywhere that we cannot become a part of the community.
Providing a clean and inviting environment where all members of the community feel welcome and treat as their second home.
Cleanliness, casual, classy.
Locations need to have comfort and a sense of warmness. Inviting and relaxing.
Providing quality service with the highest ingredients.
Celebrate, consume, cheers
Creating unique items and expanding on traditional favorites while offering something enjoyable for everyone.
Never a place that we cannot have a full bar as our primary focus and revenue generator.